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Malawi gains first seat in General Assembly Hall for upcoming 58th session

Malawi gains first seat in General Assembly Hall for upcoming 58th session

Malawi will have the first seat in the United Nations General Assembly Hall reserved for it after the African country was selected by Secretary-General Kofi Annan in a drawing to determine the seating arrangements for the upcoming session of the UN’s chief legislative body.

Malawi will replace Lebanon in the first seat after yesterday’s lottery; the rest of the UN Member States will follow in English alphabetical order.

Last month, Julian R. Hunte, Minister of External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation of Saint Lucia, was elected the President of the Assembly’s fifty-eighth session, which is slated to get underway on 16 September.

The Assembly’s general debate, during which Heads of State and Government traditionally address the 191-member body, is scheduled to begin a week later, on 23 September, and end on 3 October.