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Annan decides to downsize UN information centres in Western Europe

Annan decides to downsize UN information centres in Western Europe

Proceeding with his plan to streamline the work of the United Nations, Secretary-General Kofi Annan has decided to shut down nine information centres in Western Europe and replace them with a regional hub.

The UN Information Centres (UNICs) in Paris, London, Rome, Madrid, Bonn, Lisbon, Athens, Copenhagen and Brussels are expected to close by end of this year. Mr. Annan, however, decided to maintain the Information Services located at the UN Headquarters in Geneva and Vienna.

The new Information Hub, covering the countries in the European Union, is expected to be located in Brussels, and negotiations with the Government of Belgium are at an advanced stage, according to a UN spokesman.

"The Secretary-General wishes to pay tribute to the loyal staff of these nine centres for their remarkable work over the years and their contribution to enhancing European understanding of the United Nation's goals and achievements," spokesman Fred Eckhard said. "He is taking a personal role in seeing that their interests will be protected as their offices close."