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Bosnia and Herzegovina: UN mission outlines certification process for police officers

Bosnia and Herzegovina: UN mission outlines certification process for police officers

Peace and Security
The United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNMIBH) today outlined the certification process it has designed to ensure that the country's police meet international standards of professional competence and personal integrity, saying those who fall short of those standards would not be allowed to serve.

UNMIBH said that all Bosnian police officers will need to meet requirements on their ability to exercise police powers, have clean criminal records and valid educational credentials, and must complete compulsory courses provided by the UN Mission.

They also must have proof of Bosnian citizenship and be in full compliance with housing laws, the Mission said, noting that it has been checking the housing situation of all police over the past two years and that a number of them have not yet regularized or clarified their living arrangements.

"The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina need and deserve a professional and democratic police force with officers having a high level of professional competence and personal integrity," the Mission said. "The UNMIBH certification procedure will ensure that only those police officers who meet those standards will remain in the police force."