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UNICEF and local officials to promote awareness of children's rights in East Timor

UNICEF and local officials to promote awareness of children's rights in East Timor

An official of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) will join with representatives of the East Timorese government tomorrow to raise public awareness on the protection of children's rights.

An official of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) will join with representatives of the East Timorese government tomorrow to raise public awareness on the protection of children's rights.

Members of the press and civil society have been invited to the briefing by Mehr Kahn, Director of UNICEF's South-East Asia Division, and government officials, at which they will discuss protections found in East Timor's Constitution, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international human rights treaties. Senior officials have indicated that East Timor may soon accede to those conventions and treaties, possibly around September, when it becomes a member of the United Nations.

Ms. Kahn arrived in East Timor on Tuesday for a four-day visit to review UNICEF programmes, meet with leaders of government and civil society, and inaugurate a number of UNICEF projects - including a community school and a breastfeeding counselling room at the Dili National Hospital.

Addressing the issue of child rights, the head of the UN Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) today observed that children are among the most vulnerable in East Timorese society. Kamalesh Sharma stressed that accession to international human rights treaties was significant, as it implied a permanent commitment by the government to its people.