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Annan's envoy travels to Angola to assess UN's efforts in support of peace process

Annan's envoy travels to Angola to assess UN's efforts in support of peace process

Amid changing circumstances in war-ravaged Angola, the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Africa is in that country assessing how the world body can better support its peace process.

Ibrahim Gambari is heading a 16-person delegation from UN agencies to assess what more they should do to help Angola consolidate peace and foster reconstruction.

Today, the mission's programme included a meeting with the Minister of Interior, who is also the Coordinator of the Government 's Commission for Peace and National Reconciliation.

The mission's findings will be incorporated into the Secretary-General's report to the Security Council, including recommendations on how to adjust the mandate of the UN operation in Angola and how to restructure the overall UN presence in the country.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan has identified the resolution of the conflict in Angola, and of that in the Democratic Republic of Congo, as his goals for the next 18 months.