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Liberia: Security Council deplores violence, calls for respect for civilian rights

Liberia: Security Council deplores violence, calls for respect for civilian rights

After receiving a briefing on the situation in Liberia, members of the United Nations Security Council today deplored the recent upsurge of violence and voiced their concern over the humanitarian and social conditions in the country.

In a press statement by Council President Adolfo Aguilar Zinser on Mexico, members of the Council demanded that governments in the region take action to prevent armed groups from using their territory to attack neighbouring countries.

Council members urged the Liberian Government to take action to respect human rights and the safety of civilians, and to secure access to those in need for relief workers and humanitarian agencies. Likewise, armed insurgents were called on to respect human life, “particularly the lives of those trapped by the conflict.”

The statement called on Liberian President Charles Taylor to honour his pledge not to use his recent declaration of a state of emergency to curtail civil liberties in the country.

Endorsing Secretary-General Kofi Annan's 11 February appeal to Liberians to resolve their differences through dialogue, Council members also welcomed early reports of a possible meeting among the Presidents of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.