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UN panel approves $132 million in claims arising from Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

UN panel approves $132 million in claims arising from Iraqi invasion of Kuwait

A United Nations panel today approved more than $132 million worth of claims arising from damage caused by Iraq's invasion and subsequent occupation of Kuwait in 1990.

The latest awards granted by the Geneva-based UN Compensation Commission (UNCC), totalling $132,733,053.18, will be disbursed to governments, international organizations individuals and corporations that had filed claims with the panel.

Including today's payments, the Commission has awarded more than $35.9 billion to claimants; over $13.7 billion of the amount has been made available for distribution to successful applicants.

Money to pay the awards are drawn from the UN Compensation Fund, which receives up to 30 per cent of the revenue generated by the export of Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products under the UN-supervised "oil-for-food" humanitarian programme.

The Council decided to hold its next regular session from 12 to 14 March 2002.