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Sudan and South Sudan to resume peace talks this week

Sudan and South Sudan to resume peace talks this week



Representatives from Sudan and South Sudan are scheduled to hold talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Tuesday to resolves outstanding issues related to the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

These include the status of nationals of one country resident in the other, border demarcation and the final status of the disputed Abyei region.

South Sudan became the world’s newest country in July 2011. Prior to that, it was part of Sudan and the peace accord ended more than two decades of deadly fighting between the north and the south of that country.

Haile Menkerios, UN envoy for Sudan and South Sudan, said he is hopeful about the talks.

Abraham Kolnyin of Radio Miraya in Juba, South Sudan, has the story.

(Duration: 1'52")