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Upsurge in fighting threatens stability in Liberia and sub-region, Annan warns

Upsurge in fighting threatens stability in Liberia and sub-region, Annan warns

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today voiced deep concern about the recent upsurge of fighting in Liberia and reiterated his appeal to all parties to avoid violence and resolve their differences through dialogue.

“The Secretary General welcomed the efforts of the Liberian Government to ensure the safety of civilians and secure access for relief workers,” UN spokesman Fred Eckhard said today in a statement. “He calls on all the dissident forces to respect human life and particularly the lives of civilians caught in areas affected by the fighting.”

The spokesman added that Mr. Annan was also concerned about the possible impact the renewed fighting and its humanitarian consequences might have on the stability of Liberia and on an already fragile sub-region.

“He calls on all the States concerned to take appropriate action to prevent armed groups and individuals from using their territory to prepare and launch attacks on neighbouring countries,” Mr. Eckhard said.