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UN envoy calls on Israel to halt flights across withdrawal line in Lebanon

UN envoy calls on Israel to halt flights across withdrawal line in Lebanon

Warning that violations of Lebanese airspace could cause greater tension in the area, a United Nations envoy today again called on Israel to halt its flights across the withdrawal line.

In a statement issued in Beirut, Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Personal Representative in Southern Lebanon noted with concern that six Israeli air violations, consisting of a total of nine aircraft, took place across the withdrawal line - known as the Blue Line - on Sunday.

"Such repetitive violations of the Blue Line and Lebanese airspace potentially aggravate an already tense situation," said Staffan de Mistura, reiterating his call to the Israeli authorities "to cease these violations and fully respect the Blue Line."

The UN has drawn attention to air violations by Israeli military aircraft across the Blue Line on various occasions, including in recent reports to the Security Council.