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‘Mistake’ to ignore South Sudan as regional crises mount, warns UNMISS chief

‘Mistake’ to ignore South Sudan as regional crises mount, warns UNMISS chief


With security and humanitarian crises mounting across much of Africa, the international community is making a mistake by not engaging fully with South Sudan, which is at the centre of an increasingly volatile region.

That’s the view of the head of the UN peacekeeping mission in the world’s youngest nation, Nicholas Haysom, who told UN News that if a fresh crisis erupts there in combination with the military power struggle in neighbouring Sudan, it would be “catastrophic” for the whole Horn of Africa.

Maoqi Li asked the head of UNMISS and UN Special Representative why he thought South Sudan was not getting the attention it deserved.

Audio Credit
Maoqi Li, UN News
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
Carlos Macias/Department of Global Communications, United Nations