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Spirit of Anne Frank celebrated with tree planting at UN headquarters  

Spirit of Anne Frank celebrated with tree planting at UN headquarters  


The chestnut tree that Anne Frank could see from her famous attic hiding place in Amsterdam during the Second World War, was seen by the young girl as a symbol of hope and the natural world, that she longed to touch again.  

Considered a living symbol of both Anne Frank’s legacy and of the values embodied by the United Nations, a sapling descended from that very tree, was planted in the gardens of UN headquarters in New York, on Wednesday. 

The ceremony, organized by the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme, marked what would have been Anne Frank’s 90th birthday, had she survived the Holocaust.  

Sharon Douglas, CEO of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, which donated the sapling, spoke to UN News’s Ana Carmo, about the legacy of Anne Frank and how her example can help new generations to come. 

Audio Credit
Ana Carmo, UN News
Photo Credit
UN Photo/Mark Garten