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Internet pioneer: Education, smart regulation needed for digital future

Internet pioneer: Education, smart regulation needed for digital future


Senior Google executive and internet pioneer, Vint Cerf, has called for the introduction of smart regulation “guard rails”, and improved digital education for tech professionals and the general public, as the UN published a landmark report on Monday towards creating a safer more inclusive digital future.

Mr. Cerf is recognized as one of the internet’s founding fathers, and in his role as “Chief Internet Evangelist” at Web giant Google, he continues to play a high-profile role as a thought leader in the tech sector.

He is also a member of the UN High Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, and was present at the launch of the Panel’s first report, “The Age of Digital Interdependence”.

In an exclusive interview with UN News, he spoke to Connor Lennon, shortly after the launch at UN Headquarters in New York.

Audio Credit
Conor Lennon/ UN News
Photo Credit
UN News/Conor Lennon