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‘The longer we wait to reduce emissions, the more challenging will be’, warns climate expert

‘The longer we wait to reduce emissions, the more challenging will be’, warns climate expert


“The longer we wait for the substantial reduction of emissions, the more carbon dioxide we need to remove from the atmosphere, said Jonas Pasztor, Executive Director for the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative (C2G2), adding that if the world doesn’t act fast, the process will be not only “more challenging, but also more expensive”.

Mr. Pasztor highlighted the fact that the world reached a point where the reduction of emissions is no longer sufficient.

Carbon dioxide removal was pointed by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC, as one of the actions the world leaders need to take to keep temperatures below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Yasmina Guerda sat down with Mr. Pasztor at COP24 earlier this month to talk about the technology that can be used to help with this global problem, and its challenges and risks.

Audio Credit
Yasmina Guerda, UN News
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Photo Credit
UN News/Yasmina Guerda