Global perspective Human stories

22-year gap in life expectancy between Norway and Niger, new UN development report reveals

22-year gap in life expectancy between Norway and Niger, new UN development report reveals


The way to bridge the widening development gap is through targeted interventions and the adoption of policies that address inequalities within countries themselves with the support of the international community, argues Selim Jahan, of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), who directs the office which compiled the Human Development Index (HDI) data revealed on Friday.

In an interview with UN News, Mr. Jahan noted the importance of gender inequalities and women’s empowerment, to overcome the worrying differences between the lives and opportunities of women and men across the world.

Mr. Jahan outlined the key findings of the report, to Fatima E. Mendez.


There is a 22-year difference in life-expectancy between the people of Norway, and those of the impoverished nation of Niger in Africa, according to new data revealed on Friday in the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI).

The way to bridge the widening gap is through targeted interventions and the adoption of policies that address inequalities within countries themselves with the support of the international community, argues Selim Jahan, of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), who directs the office which compiled the report.

In an interview with UN News, Mr. Jahan noted the importance of gender inequalities and women’s empowerment, to overcome the worrying differences between the lives and opportunities of women and men across the world.

Mr. Jahan outlined the key findings of the report, to Fatima E. Mendez.

Audio Credit
Fatima E. Mendez, UN News
Photo Credit
UN News/Fatima E. Mendez