Global perspective Human stories

Climate Crunch Time

Climate Crunch Time


On this week’s episode Conor Lennon and Anton Uspenskiy from UN News discuss the UN Secretary-General’s hard-hitting climate speech, in which he called for a ban on fossil fuel advertising and promotion; the UN’s continued support for millions of desperate people in Afghanistan; how AI is being used for the benefit of all; and whether we’re on the brink of being able to talk to whales.

This week’s guests are Jorge Moreira da Silva, head of the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Fred Werner, Head of Strategic Engagement at the UN digital tech agency (ITU) and Fiona Korwin-Pawloski, Chief Strategy Officer at Project CETI (the Cetaceous Translation Initiative).

UN Secretary-General calls for ban on fossil fuel advertising:

Interview with Jorge Mareira da Silva, the head of UNOPS:

How the UN is using AI to save lives:

World Ocean Day:

Audio Credit
UN News/ Conor Lennon