Global perspective Human stories

Alarming levels of global child poverty: UNICEF

Alarming levels of global child poverty: UNICEF


UNICEF has released a new child nutrition report that highlights severe levels of child food poverty due to inequity, conflict, and climate crises.

The new report found that millions of children under five have difficulty accessing nutritious and diverse diets necessary for developmental growth.

UNICEF Nutrition Specialist, and a lead writer for the report, Harriet Torlesse, spoke to UN News and said one in four children globally are surviving on extremely poor diets, consuming just two or fewer of the major food groups.

She said there is no reason children should grow up in child food poverty when we are aware of solutions to assist them. UNICEF is calling on governments and donors to “position the elimination of child food poverty as a policy imperative, particularly to achieve the sustainable development goals of malnutrition.

Audio Credit
UN News/ Shanaé Harte
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Photo Credit
© UNICEF/Eyad El Baba