Global perspective Human stories

Piping hot power

Piping hot power


‘Keep it in the ground!' is the rallying cry, when it comes to fossil fuels. However, in Dominica there is a clean, renewable, subterranean resource that the government is very keen to get out of the ground: heat.

Conor Lennon and Myra Lopes find out how the small country is vying to join the select group of countries powered 100% by renewables. And Matt Wells reports from Antigua, which is hosting the Small Islands Developing States conference, where the focus is on surviving the destructive consequences of the climate crisis. Today's guest is Stéphanie Fillion, UN Correspondent for The Asahi Shimbun.

What exactly are SIDS?

Dominica and geothermal energy:

SIDS4 Conference:

Audio Credit
UN News/ Conor Lennon