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'Overlooked' Zakat could unlock billions in new SDG funding: UNDP

'Overlooked' Zakat could unlock billions in new SDG funding: UNDP


Islam’s mandatory system of charitable giving, known as Zakat, could unlock billions of dollars needed for the world to reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

That’s the hope that lies at the heart of a new innovative collaboration between the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and Indonesia’s National Board of Zakat, known as Baznas.

The Vice Chairman of Baznas, Zainulbahar Noor, was at UN Headquarters this week to discuss some of the programmes that are already boosting local development in places like Sumatra.

In an interview with UN News he said this unique partnership had the potential to channel more than $16 billion in Zakat funding within Indonesia alone, towards projects that directly advanced the 17 SDGs.

Matt Wells asked Zainulbahar Noor why Zakat was so important to the practice of Islam.

Duration: 5’29”

Photo Credit
UNDP/Michelle Alves de Lima-Miller