Global perspective Human stories

'No doubt' that Syrian forces, ISIL, used chemical weapons

'No doubt' that Syrian forces, ISIL, used chemical weapons


There is “no doubt” that in two incidents investigated by a joint-UN investigation body this year, chemical weapons were used by the Syrian government, and the Da’esh terrorist group.

That’s according to Edmund Mulet, who is head of the joint UN-OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) body known as the JIM, or Joint Investigative Mechanism.

Mr Mulet briefed the Security Council on Tuesday to present the conclusions of the JIM’s leadership panel, and he said they had carried out a “thorough, professional and scientific” investigation into the chemical attacks on Khan Shaykhun in Syria, where more than 90 died in April, and the area of Um Hosh, last year.

Joshua Mmali asked Mr Mulet to outline his team’s findings.

Duration: 6’15”

Audio Duration
Photo Credit
UN News (screen grab)