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Single solution not enough for complexity facing CAR

Single solution not enough for complexity facing CAR


The Central African Republic (CAR) is facing a multifaceted array of problems that do not have a single clear solution.

That’s the view of Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, head of the UN Stabilization Mission there (MINUSCA), who took part in a dialogue in New York this week about continuing violence in CAR.

Rebel groups which control large areas of the country have displaced more than half a million people and left hundreds dead.

Mr. Onanga-Anyanga said the “deeply disturbing” state of the nation requires an effective political response and strong national leadership.

He spoke to Alban Mendes De Leon and began by talking about how MINUSCA is helping dozens of victims of sexual exploitation, abused by UN peacekeepers.

Duration: 4’25”

Audio Duration
Photo Credit
UN Photo/Evan Schneider