Global perspective Human stories

Countries benefiting from south-south cooperation

Countries benefiting from south-south cooperation


Collaboration between developing countries, or south-south cooperation as it’s known, has been hailed as “a powerful way” to support vulnerable nations.

That viewpoint has been expressed by the senior UN official who is galvanizing global action to bring about a more sustainable future for all.

Dr David Nabarro is the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which has been described as a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity.

Basma Baghall spoke to him at the latest UN climate change conference currently underway in Marrakech, Morocco.

She asked Dr Nabarro about the role of south-south cooperation, for example, in boosting action on climate change.

Duration: 1’21”

Photo Credit
UN Photo/Loey Felipe