Global perspective Human stories

UN and Africa Special: Reclaiming a life after the brutality of a Ugandan warlord

UN and Africa Special: Reclaiming a life after the brutality of a Ugandan warlord


A Ugandan women who was abducted at age eleven and then forced to become the wife of one of Africa’s most feared and brutal warlords has been speaking about her experiences at the launch of her memoir, I am Evelyn Amony: Reclaiming My Life from the Lord’s Resistance Army in New York, an event hosted by the UN gender agency, UN Women.

Evelyn Amony is one of the more than 60,000 children who were abducted in east and central Africa in the 1990s by the violent rebel group also known as the LRA.

Daniel Dickinson met her.

Duration: 10'00"

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Photo Credit
Laura Jarriel