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Karadžić verdict sends signal “no one is above the law”: UN official

Karadžić verdict sends signal “no one is above the law”: UN official


The verdict against former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić has sent a clear signal that no one in the world is above the law.

That’s was the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide’s reaction to the conviction of Karadžić by UN judges on ten out of eleven charges he faced, including genocide over the 1995 Srebrenica massacre.

The International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia sentenced him on Thursday to 40 years of imprisonment.

Karadžić had denied the charges, and represented himself in the trial, which lasted eight years. His lawyer, according to news reports, said that he would appeal.

Jocelyne Sambira asked Adama Dieng for his reaction to the verdict.

Duration: 6’10’’

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