Global perspective Human stories

Shark attack victim, turns advocate

Shark attack victim, turns advocate


A South African man who lost his leg in a shark attack is on a global quest to save the fish.

Achmat Hassiem lost his right leg from the knee down after the attack off the waters of Cape Town some 10 years ago. He is now not only a Paralympic medallist in swimming, but this week Mr Hassiem was also named the “Global Shark Guardian” by the UN Save our Sharks Coalition.

Commercial fisheries target sharks throughout the world, mostly for their fins and meat. Up to 100 million are killed annually. Experts say 30 per cent of shark species are now face extinction.

Veronica Reeves spoke to Mr Hassiem and asked him about that fateful day when he encountered the 4.7 metre great white that would forever change his life.

Duration: 2’33”

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