Global perspective Human stories

Nepali women on “frontline of climate change”, says activist

Nepali women on “frontline of climate change”, says activist


Women in Nepal are “on the frontlines of climate change” because as subsistence farmers, they are the ones who are most affected.

Alina Saba, research and community organizer in Nepal, made the remarks on the sidelines of an event at the UN Climate Summit.

A member of the indigenous Limbu community, she has been working with women in her country to build their resilience to the climate challenges they face.

Natural disasters like flash floods, mudslides occur often and pose a huge challenge for people.

Ms Saba shared with Jocelyne Sambira what can be done to mitigate the effects of the extreme weather patterns.

Duration: 1’45’’

Photo Credit
UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service NGLS