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94,000 newborn deaths from malaria averted

94,000 newborn deaths from malaria averted


An estimated 94,000 newborn deaths from malaria were averted in the three years leading up to 2012 following more intensive preventative treatment, according to a new report.

The Roll Back Malaria Partnership, which was created by four UN agencies, says that interventions during pregnancy and the use of insecticide treated nets have improved the survival rates for both women and their children.

Despite the progress, in Africa alone 10,000 women and up to 200,000 children die annually as a consequence of malaria infection during pregnancy.

Dr Eric Mouzin, is an epidemiologist with the Partnership.

Jean-Pierre Ramazani asked him about the report published on Thursday on “The contribution of Malaria Control to Maternal and Newborn Health.”

Duration: 2’33”

Photo Credit
Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM)/Benjamin Schilling l PSI