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Ambush kills seven Tanzanian UNAMID peacekeepers and injures 17 others in Darfur, Sudan

Ambush kills seven Tanzanian UNAMID peacekeepers and injures 17 others in Darfur, Sudan


A UNAMID armored personnel carrier that came under attack on 17 October, 2012. [UN Photo/Albert González Farran][/caption]Seven Tanzanian peacekeepers from the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) were killed and 17 others injured during an ambush in Darfur, Sudan on the 13th of July.

Heavy ammunition was used in the attack from an unidentified group, according to Chris Cycmanick, the Acting Spokesperson for UNAMID.

On the line from Darfur, Sudan, Chris Cycmanick told Beng Poblete-Enriquez that shortly after the attack, “Reinforcement was sent in to extract the peacekeepers where fighting continued and lasted approximately another hour.”

Duration: 4’02”