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UN reports 300,000 people this year have fled fighting in Darfur

UN reports 300,000 people this year have fled fighting in Darfur


Fighting in Sudan’s Darfur region has displaced an estimated 300,000 people so far this year which is more than the past two years combined, according to UN estimates.

The people are escaping inter-ethnic community violence, or conflict between rebel movements and government forces, much of which is driven by the struggle for resources such as land, water, cattle and gold.

The UN Humanitarian Affairs office (OCHA) says those on the run desperately need food, medical supplies and shelter to survive sweltering desert temperatures.

OCHA adds that this latest displacement comes as Darfur continues to rank as one of the world’s largest humanitarian operations, with more than one million people living in camps.

To find out more about this situation, UN Radio’s Patrick Maigua in Geneva spoke to Mark Cutts, head of OCHA’s Sudan office.

Duration: 3'16"