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New film looks at French cabinet during 2003 Security Council debate on Iraq

New film looks at French cabinet during 2003 Security Council debate on Iraq


This year marks a decade since the international intervention in Iraq, and French director Bertrand Tavernier  is working on a film about that time.

Tavernier was recently at the UN to shoot scenes for ‘Quai d’Orsay’ which is based on a graphic novel of the same name that became a bestseller in France a few years ago.

‘Quai d’Orsay,’ which is the name and address of the French Foreign Ministry in Paris, is about the difficulties of working in the pressure cooker environment of the French cabinet.

The two main characters are based on a speechwriter and the former Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin, who in 2003 spoke out in the Security Council against international involvement in Iraq.

Jérôme Longué caught up with Bertrand Tavernier who was filming scenes in the Security Council over the past weekend.

Duration: 2'37"