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UN releases latest edition of its annual Yearbook

UN releases latest edition of its annual Yearbook

The United Nations today released the latest edition of its annual Yearbook, which for the first time is also being made available in digital format for users of e-book readers such as the Kindle, iPad and Nook.

The United Nations today released the latest edition of its annual Yearbook, which for the first time is also being made available in digital format for users of e-book readers such as the Kindle, iPad and Nook.

The 61st volume of the Yearbook details all the activities of the UN for the year 2007, and includes the full texts of all major resolutions and decisions of the General Assembly, the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).

It is divided into 33 chapters covering issues ranging from political and security questions to human rights and budgetary questions.

Writing in the foreword of the 1,634-page volume, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he hoped the book proved useful to scholars and anyone else with an interest in the work of the world body.

“This Yearbook offers a comprehensive account of the United Nations’ efforts to end violence, safeguard human rights, ensure social justice and foster greater prosperity,” he wrote.

Mr. Ban took office at the start of 2007 and the Yearbook reflects the many complex issues and decisions that the UN had to face that year, including the Security Council’s authorization of a joint UN-African Union peacekeeping mission in the strife-torn Sudanese region of Darfur.