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General Assembly condemns coup in Honduras

General Assembly condemns coup in Honduras

General Assembly considers situation in Honduras
The General Assembly today condemned this weekend’s coup d’état in Honduras, calling for the restoration of the democratically-elected President and constitutional Government.

According to media reports, President José Manuel Zelaya Rosales was ousted by the military on Sunday, hours before a referendum was slated to be held on changing the Honduran constitution.

Today’s Assembly resolution, which was adopted by acclamation, deplored the coup, which it stated has “interrupted the democratic and constitutional order and the legitimate exercise of power in Honduras.”

The resolution – sponsored by Bolivia, Venezuela, Mexico and the United States, among dozens of Member States – also stressed that it will not recognize any Government other than that of Mr. Zelaya’s.

“It is the participation of the citizenship that empowers democracy,” the Honduran leader said in the Assembly before the resolution was adopted, praising the United Nations for “[upholding] freedom and democracy.”

On Sunday, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed his deep concern over the takeover in Honduras and voiced his strong support for the Central American nation’s democratic institutions.

In a statement, Mr. Ban urged “the reinstatement of the democratically elected representatives of the country and full respect for human rights, including safeguards for the security of President Zelaya, members of his family and his government.”