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‘Smart solutions’ needed for climate and economic challenges – Secretary-General

‘Smart solutions’ needed for climate and economic challenges – Secretary-General

Sea level rise caused by climate change will displace millions across the world
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called for multilateralism and “smart solutions” to confront economic and climate challenges that could result in insecurity and upheaval.

With the world in the midst of the worst economic crisis in the history of the United Nations, Mr. Ban said in a message to the annual conference of the UN Association of the United Kingdom (UNA-UK) in Edinburgh that “growing poverty is fuelling increased insecurity. Changes in our planet’s climate likewise threaten global upheaval.”

A “new multilateralism that not only brings together all partners, but also takes account of the connections between the various challenges” is essential, he stressed.

“We need to forge smart solutions, such as ushering in a new green economy that can generate jobs while simultaneously addressing global warming, hunger and the energy crisis.”

He also thanked the group for its climate conferences in the United Kingdom, which, he said helped build momentum for the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, in December, where nations are expected to conclude negotiations on an ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction pact to succeed the Kyoto Protocol.