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New High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina welcomed by UN

New High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina welcomed by UN

Valentin Inzko
The United Nations Security Council today welcomed and agreed to the appointment of Valentin Inzko, a senior Austrian diplomat, as the new High Representative for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The United Nations Security Council today welcomed and agreed to the appointment of Valentin Inzko, a senior Austrian diplomat, as the new High Representative for the Implementation of the Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In a resolution adopted unanimously, the 15-member body stressed the importance of the High Representative’s role in the implementation of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement, which ended devastating inter-ethnic fighting in the Balkan country.

Mr. Inzko was appointed on 11 March as the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for Bosnia and Herzegovina until 28 February 2010, and was designated High Representative by the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council on 13 March.

Previously the Austrian ambassador to Slovenia, Mr. Inzko is a 60-year-old career diplomat with extensive experience in south-eastern Europe, much of that in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In today’s resolution, the Council also paid tribute to Miroslav Lajcák, Mr. Inzko’s predecessor, who had served from June 2007.