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Annan reappoints group of experts on Liberia ‘blood diamond’ sanctions

Annan reappoints group of experts on Liberia ‘blood diamond’ sanctions

Following last week’s action by the United Nations Security Council to extend the prohibition of trade in “blood diamonds” from Liberia – gems that are said to fuel conflict in the region – Secretary-General Kofi Annan has reappointed the panel of experts who assess the impact of that sanctions regime.

In a letter to the Council, Mr. Annan designated Arthur Blundell of Canada to serve as the Chairman of the panel, which includes four other expert members from France, India, Sierra Leone and the United Kingdom, now reappointed for six months, until 21 December 2006.

The Security Council first imposed wide-ranging sanctions on Liberia in May 2001 after receiving reports that the West African country’s natural resources were fuelling conflict in the region.

At the 20 June meeting, during which the diamond sanctions were extended, the Council lifted the ban on the export of round logs and timber, applauding the country’s new President, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, for her efforts in managing the nation’s forests.