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DR Congo: UN peace mission expanded and extended until next September

DR Congo: UN peace mission expanded and extended until next September

Security Council
Expressing serious concern about the continuing hostilities by militias and foreign armed groups in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the threat to elections in the country, the Security Council today extended the United Nations Organization Mission (MONUC) there until next September, with an additional 300 troops.

Unanimously adopting a resolution under Chapter VII of the Charter, which covers "threats to the peace, breaches of the peace, and acts of aggression," the Council authorized the deployment of an infantry battalion in Katanga province, with its own air mobility and medical support, to beef up security during the electoral process.

Underlining the temporary nature of the increase, the Council requested Secretary-General Kofi Annan to downsize or repatriate the additional 300 soldiers, starting next July at the latest, and to report to the Council before June on the financial assessment that will be needed for that purpose.

In Mr. Annan's most recent report he had recommended adding 2,580 personnel to the mission and said that the elections should be held no later than next June.

The Council called on the transitional institutions and on all Congolese parties to ensure that free, fair and peaceful elections take place and that the timetable worked out by the Independent Electoral Commission be scrupulously respected. It stressed that the Congolese authorities had the responsibility to adopt the necessary legislation without further delay.

The Council also urged the donor community to provide urgent assistance for the integration, training and equipping of the Armed Forces and of the National Police. It urged the Transition Government to facilitate and expedite cooperation to that end, as well as ensure adequate payment of and logistical support to its troops and police.

It also requested the UN Mission to continue to assist with the follow-up to the meeting late last month between the Espace présidentiel and the International Committee in Support of the Transition to bolster good governance and transparent economic management.

The Council urged troop-contributing countries to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse by providing such preventive measures as pre-deployment awareness training and other actions to ensure full accountability in any cases that might involve personnel and welcomed MONUC's efforts to prevent sexual exploitation and its investigation of instances.