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Voicing hope that Nepalese parties will move towards peace, Annan says he is ready to help

Voicing hope that Nepalese parties will move towards peace, Annan says he is ready to help

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today voiced hope that the parties in Nepal will take measures leading to peace negotiations, and offered his support for the process.

The Secretary-General's remarks came in a statement released by his spokesman in New York after a large number of non-governmental and civil society representatives in Nepal sent an appeal to Mr. Annan requesting his good offices to help find a peaceful solution to the conflict there.

“The appeal reflects the deep desire of the people of Nepal to see an urgent end to the conflict that has brought them profound suffering,” the spokesman said, adding that the Secretary-General has made known to all interested parties his availability to help in the search for a solution.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) decided to declare a ceasefire for a period of three months. Mr. Annan, who has repeatedly urged an end to hostilities and the initiation of an inclusive national dialogue in Nepal with a view to resolving the underlying causes of conflict, “earnestly hopes that all sides in Nepal will take all measures which will lead to peace talks and the lasting peace that the people of Nepal crave and deserve,” the spokesman said.