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Programmes against landmines severely under-funded, UN says

Programmes against landmines severely under-funded, UN says

Landmine removal and victim assistance programmes around the world have received only $77 million of the $371 million they will need this year, with Afghanistan likely to sustain the largest single shortfall of $49 million, the United Nations Mine Action Service says.

According to a report released today and called the “Portfolio of Mine Action Projects,” the 303 programmes in 30 countries and three territories include surveying, marking and clearing mined areas, destroying landmines, teaching mine avoidance strategies, aiding victims and their families and promoting anti-mine treaties.

Afghanistan has the largest mine-action budget of $81 million and has received just $32 million, it says.

Asia needs 48 per cent of the projected $371 million and Africa 42 per cent, says the UN Mine Action, a unit of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO).