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Brahimi holds second day of talks with Iraqis on UN role in political transition, elections

Brahimi holds second day of talks with Iraqis on UN role in political transition, elections

Special Adviser Brahimi
Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Adviser, Lakhdar Brahimi, today met with another round of Iraqi officials as he continues to seek their ideas about United Nations assistance with the formation of an administration to take over from the United States-led occupation forces on 1 July and with preparations for elections early next year.

Among Mr. Brahimi's meetings Tuesday were separate discussions with two more members of the Iraqi Governing Council, Mahmoud Othman and Samir Sumaidaie, a UN spokesman said.

The envoy also met with a group representing women's non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as another group of human rights advocates as part of his effort to listen to a wide scope of Iraqi society.

Mr. Brahimi held lengthy meetings with each group during which they discussed their concerns regarding transition of power, security and transitional administration.

The UN envoy was also scheduled to meet later today with Iraqi academics.

Mr. Brahimi's trip was preceded by the arrival of a UN election team, which there to assess what needs to be done to hold credible elections by 31 January 2005. According to spokesman Ahmad Fawzi, the team has been meeting with various people in the ministries and the Governing Council, and travelling as much as possible around the country.

The team is "being very well received and received in full cooperation from the Iraqis and from the [Coalition Provisional Authority], as is the delegation of Mr. Brahimi," Mr. Fawzi told UN Radio.

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