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Condemning bloodshed, Annan implores Israelis and Palestinians to pursue peace

Condemning bloodshed, Annan implores Israelis and Palestinians to pursue peace

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today deplored the latest spate of bloodshed in the Middle East and urged the Israelis and the Palestinians to pursue an enduring settlement to their conflict.

In a statement released in Brussels, Mr. Annan repeated his longstanding condemnation of those who resort to the violence and terror that have claimed innocent lives in the region.

"Once again I appeal, to Israelis and Palestinians alike, to rise above feelings of anger and vengeance, however natural, and to devote all their energies to negotiating a true and lasting peace in which two peoples will live side by side, each in their own State," he said.

Meanwhile in Geneva, the Acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Bertrand Ramcharan, condemned "in the strongest possible terms" today's terrorist bus bombing in Jerusalem. He extended condolences to the families of the victims of this "despicable criminal act."

Mr. Ramcharan also appealed for a rallying of public sentiment against terrorism. "Indiscriminate attacks on civilians are illegal acts aimed at the destruction of the most basic human rights," he said. "Justice must be meted out to terrorists in accordance with international human rights law."