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Brazilian president donates $50,000 to UN to combat hunger and poverty

Brazilian president donates $50,000 to UN to combat hunger and poverty

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil personally donated $50,000 to the United Nations today to help fight hunger and poverty, a UN spokesman said.

The donation came during a meeting this morning with Secretary-General Kofi Annan. The President had received the money as the Prince of Asturias Award in recognition of his own work and leadership on social issues, and wished it to be given to the United Nations for use in a global initiative to eradicate poverty and hunger that Brazil launched this week along with India and South Africa, according to spokesman Fred Eckhard.

"The Secretary-General wishes to express his great appreciation for this gift and for the President's strong gesture of support for the United Nations," the spokesman said.

Meanwhile, Malaysia presented the United Nations with a gift of a tepak sireh, an object traditionally used for welcome and hospitality.

Mr. Annan, in accepting the ornate vessel from Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, noted that it stood for communication and harmony among peoples. "There is no more fitting or important message that Malaysia could send to the world at this difficult time in human affairs," he said.