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TV actress faces her fears while spotlighting sexual exploitation

TV actress faces her fears while spotlighting sexual exploitation


Just one of the ways actress Serinda Swan draws attention to the atrocities of sex trafficking is by jumping out of a plane.

Celebrating World TV Day, Ms Swan spoke on Tuesday at a UN event on the importance of integrating entertainment with philanthropy as a way to spotlight important issues.

She has raised awareness of sex trafficking by having her TV character in the US drama series, Graceland, sold into slavery.

She raises money for that cause by facing her own fears and skydives 18,000 feet each year.

Ms Swan told Liz Scaffidi how she used her starring role as a Drug Enforcement Agency agent, to put the human trafficking issue into mainstream media.

Duration: 4'59"

Photo Credit
Serinda Swan, actor and human trafficking activist, at the UN Radio studio in New York. UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi