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‘Absolutely no place’ for sexual exploitation, top UN official raises alarm

‘Absolutely no place’ for sexual exploitation, top UN official raises alarm


Sexual exploitation and abuse of vulnerable communities have “absolutely no place” in the United Nations and more needs to be done to help victims raise the alarm. 

That’s the message from the top UN official tasked with eradicating sexual and gender-based violence, Christian Saunders. 

In an exclusive interview, Mr. Saunders explains how he wants all peacekeepers, humanitarian and development workers to understand, respect and implement the Organization’s zero-tolerance stance on sexual and gender-based abuse. 

Victims’ needs must come first, but there are lots of other practical measures that can be implemented across UN operations to reduce the risk of abuse from happening at all, he told Daniel Johnson at UN News

Audio Credit
Daniel Johnson, UN News Geneva
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
MINUSCA/Valeria Bove