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COVID-19: The ‘common enemy’ that can bring the world together

COVID-19: The ‘common enemy’ that can bring the world together


The COVID-19 pandemic shows that global challenges can only be solved through global solutions, according to the head of the UN Office in Geneva.

Director-General Tatiana Valovaya has underlined the critical need for solidarity as countries battle what she described as a “common enemy”.

Ms. Valovaya spoke to Michele Zaccheo about why the pandemic could provide a jolt that will make countries work together more effectively in the future.

She also highlighted the example set by UN staff in Geneva, who are volunteering with the World Health Organization (WHO), as it leads the fight to stop further spread of the disease.

Audio Credit
Michele Zacchaeo, UN News - Geneva
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
© UNICEF/Giovanni Diffidenti