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Me Too movement a ‘positive catalyst for change’ in gender equality

Me Too movement a ‘positive catalyst for change’ in gender equality


Anna Falth, who manages the Women’s Empowerment Principles, thinks 2019 be a tipping point for improving gender equality in the workplace.

The Principles are an initiative from UN Women and the UN Global Compact, to help companies stamp out sexual harassment and abuse, and improve career prospects for women.

Ms. Falth believes that investors, consumers, and new entrants to the job market are putting more pressure than ever before on businesses, to improve their gender credentials.

When Conor Lennon from UN News interviewed her in New York, she said that the head of steam that has built up around the Me Too movement is driving change, and making a positive impact on corporate culture.

Audio Credit
Conor Lennon, UN News
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Photo Credit
World Bank/Arne Hoel