Global perspective Human stories

International crime fighters out on patrol to boost SDGs

International crime fighters out on patrol to boost SDGs


It may be surprising to some, but the International Criminal Police Organization, or INTERPOL, is playing an active role in helping the countries of the world where police serve, reach the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In an interview with UN News, global police chief Jürgen Stock has been explaining how INTERPOL’s set of seven Global Policing Goals aim to create a safer world, and not just for humankind.

He described how taking on international wildlife poachers “requires a strong collaboration” between nations, industries and non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, because “no country and no region can fight this phenomena in isolation.”

Mr. Stock walked Liz Scaffidi through the importance of the growing relationship between the UN and INTERPOL.

Audio Credit
Liz Scaffidi, UN News
Audio Duration
Photo Credit
UN News/Elizabeth Scaffidi