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Army officers urged to protect South Sudan’s children

Army officers urged to protect South Sudan’s children


Soldiers in South Sudan have been reminded of their responsibility to protect children from violence, neglect, exploitation and abuse.

The army officers took part in a two-day workshop last week organized by the UN mission in the country, UNMISS, where they were urged to show leadership by ensuring their troops protect children caught in conflict.

South Sudan’s army, known as the SPLA, has been accused of grave violations against children, including rape, killings and recruiting them as fighters.

Henry Lokuri spoke to the head of the Child Protection Unit at UNMISS, Alfred Orono Orono, who himself is a former child soldier from Uganda.

Duration: 3’10”

Audio Duration
Photo Credit
Children gather on a bank at sunset in the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Bentiu, South Sudan, 30 April 2017. ©UNICEF/UN070642/Phil Hatcher-Moore