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South Sudanese will only 'feel ownership' through robust rights

South Sudanese will only 'feel ownership' through robust rights


South Sudanese civilians will only “feel ownership” of their country when fundamental freedoms and rights are respected by all, and for all.

That’s the essence of a new campaign aimed at internally-displaced people sheltering in Protection-of-Civilian, or PoC, sites around the country, run by the UN Mission, UNMISS.

Much of the violence which has wracked the world’s youngest nation since civil war erupted in 2013 has occurred along ethnic lines, but UNMISS says it is time now to stand up in solidarity for the rights of all citizens, especially in PoC sites.

Just under 215,000 civilians are under UN protection across South Sudan.

Anthony Nwampa of the mission’s Human Rights Division spoke to Radio Miraya reporter Sworo Charles at the main PoC camp in the capital, Juba.

Duration: 3’48”

Photo Credit
UN Photo/Isaac Billy