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North Korea nuclear test “last wake-up call” to the world: CTBTO chief

North Korea nuclear test “last wake-up call” to the world: CTBTO chief


North Korea’s latest nuclear bomb test should be a “last wake-up call” to the international community, on the need to build diplomatic bridges through the test-ban treaty.

That’s the view of the Executive Secretary of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) Lassina Zerbo.

He said that the pace of UN Security Council sanctions was not “in sync” with the reality of North Korea – or DPRK’s - nuclear weapons programme, and diplomacy needed to move faster to counter the threat.

Cristina Silveiro asked Mr Zerbo what the CBTBO’s data revealed about Sunday’s underground test in North Korea.

Duration: 2’56”

Photo Credit
UN Photo/JC McIlwaine