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Gender parity still “decades away” in public life: UN development chief

Gender parity still “decades away” in public life: UN development chief


Gender parity for leadership roles in public life across the world is still “decades away,” according to the head of the UN Development Programme (UNDP).

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Helen Clark said that the slow pace of progress towards a position where top jobs are held equally between men and women was unacceptable.

The new UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has pledged to make gender parity a centrepiece of his time in office, and in the weeks before he took over the top job, he appointed three women to key posts.

Susan Meyers, Senior Vice President of the UN Foundation, asked Ms Clark if the UN and other institutions were pushing hard enough on gender equality.

Duration: 4’10”

Photo Credit
UN Photo/Rick Bajornas